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Will hail damage cause my insurance rates to increase?

No. Hail damage is a comprehensive claim. Unlike a collision claim, it will not affect your rates.

Do I have to use the repair facility my insurance recommends?

By law you can take you vehicle to the repair facility of tour choice. Over 95% of local body shops will subcontract the repairs for your vehicle to a PDR technician just like ours.

What can paintless dent repair fix?

Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) is very effective for repairing almost any dent where the metal is not creased and the paint is not broken or cracked. It is especially effective when repairing hail damage.

Who performs paintless dent repair?

PDR services are offered by a number of national companies. National companies may not have a constant presence but often send response teams to areas where a large number of hail claims have been reported. These teams may work out of temporary locations performing repairs until PDR services are no longer needed.

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